The Path Not Taken
The negative landscape of Cyberspace is the land of "Not." All unwanted or inappropriate data is "eliminated" by going to ground. The ground plane in a dynamic, self-organizing computer environment responds to changes in sorting structures, by "Morphing" itself to the positive landscape. Since the ground plane divides the bases of two opposed sets of sorting pyramids we get double duty from each ground plane as it grounds two sorting layers.
The ground planes divide sorting units within the Global Matrix, but they must also allow for vertical movement between sorting layers. In this respect, the ground planes act as "semi-permeable membranes" between the sorting units and allows them to communicate with each other, at the same time they "insulate" the sorting layers from each other.The central column of each sorting pyramid interconnects with all other sorting pyramids, data which isn't sorted "out" in any of the pyramids flows straight through the system on that particular Z-Axis.
The "perimeter" cells around the pyramids allow for intercommunication between the sorting layers.
When we look at traffic patterns within the dendritic environment we see that when we eliminate all the "paths not taken" in that particular "tree" we are left with a zigzagging lightning bolt like path. The hexagonal geometry of the spherical matrix is the ideal environment for this "shape' of information exchange.