The Key to the Kingdoms

The Key to the Kingdoms

Once I had my hand on the ontological key, I began investigating the different components of the Global Matrix, first stop Mathematics.

The math of Cyberspace is based on the powers of two (2), in order to manipulate the 8 bit byte. We (the client) manipulate data with our ten digits, we like to use data that is decimal (10). Both fairly obvious propositions; but what is the math of the analog world? The math of the ancient world, the math of the spherical unit, is the duo decimal system (12). We see this in the months of the year, and in the hours of the day and the hours of the night. The basis for the English system of measurement is the 12-inch Foot.

Also, the mythic past is furnished with various versions of 12 Wise Men, 12 Laborers, 12 Gems, 12 Knights, 12 Tribes, etc., which culminates in the Zodiacal system of 12 Archtypes and 12 Houses within the 360° / 60 60" universe. We still retain this system of agricultural counting by the "Dozen."

Furthermore, we see that there is a direct correspondence between the "Fractional Unit," the "Whole Unit," and the "Exponential Unit," and one, one dozen, one gross; the unit divided by itself, the unit, the unit times itself.There is further correspondence in that the Digital world is the world of decimal fractions (oddness) or (irrational) and the Spherical world is the world of proportional fractions (evenness) or (rationality).

Dr. J. William Berquist, a mathematician and specialist in the computer language known as APL, purposed is a paper given at Snowmass, Colorado, in 1977 that we can look forward to computers which combine digital and analog functions in one machine. Dr. Bernquist dubbed his machine "The Bifurcated Computer" He stated that such a computer would function similarly to the two halves of the human brain.

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