Rainbow’s End

Rainbow's End

The Global Matrix is also a geo-synchronous facsimile of all the different earthly environments. The addition of color to the Global Matrix reveals a radiant structure. Our colors are in a concentric radiant spectrum, which runs from a hot infrared at the earth's core to an icy ultra-violet out at the edge of out space.

The differently colored layers in the matrix also denote the various levels of complexity in a hierarchical relationship. When a particular concept or data structure approaches a saturation point within a given level or realm it is bumped up to the next higher layer or realm as in the Nuclear Model. Color is to sight as flavor is to taste and odor is to smell. We can now tell what realm and neighborhood a particular data string comes from without know-ing the actual content of the data. We will know its hierarchical order of complexity at a glance.

This, then, is the basic structure of the Global Matrix, 256 layers of data that can be described and manipulated in two different matrices, one cubic, a system of external reference, the other spherical, a system of internal reference.

Now that we have a prototypic external structure we will examine functional logic inherent in the structural form.

Although there is no obvious relationship between Concert Pitch and our hierarchical colors (other than Harmonic Octaves); there is a one to one mapping of these colors with Scientific Pitch which has Middle C @ 256 Hertz, with octaves a function of the powers and fractions of 2.

Steven Stankiewicz Discover Magazine Dec. 1999

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