On Again Off Again

On Again Off Again

Monogenic Logic is the foundation for the logic of Cyberspace which is the bit structure. The bit is the essence of the binomial system (0 and 1), where the presence or absence of a single thing is our only data. It doesn't even matter what is present or absent. It is primarily the presence or absence of pressure. We ordinarily use low voltage electricity, but you can also use hydraulic, mechanical and optical presences or pressure to achieve the same result.

We combine those bits into groups of, eight to make a byte and then we use our bytes to describe the ASCII Characters. We can now see that the data streams of cyberspace are based on the powers of two and more specifically on the eight bit structure, so that we immediately see that the traffic of cyberspace is pervaded by eightness.

Data on ...  Data off .. .

We now have the logic of two parts, we call this Bifurcation Logic, it is the logic of choice. Looking at bifurcation as forks in the trail, our bifurcated signal tells us left or right, yes or not, stop or go, up or down, heads or tails, this or that.

The shape of bifurcation is the "logic cascade" or the "logic tree" which is the dendritic shape, the shape of trees and roots, nervous systems and circulatory systems, organizational charts and command structures.

This is the basic shape of all our data structures, the dendritic form is the pervasive shape of the cyberspace.

The adaptive landscape, depicted as a topographic relief map, as originally conceived by Wright and Dobzhansky. The Pattern of Evolution by Niles Eldredge W.H. Freeman & Co. 1998

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