
The Global Matrix

A Cognitive Map of Cyberspace

The Global Matrix is designed to he a universal and scaleable modeling system based on an integral architectural logic.

All the components of the Global Matrix:

search engine

graphics engine




information systems

All share the same Integral Architecture.

This is possible because the integral design process reveals a deep connection between structure, process, and order.

A good design should be simple, powerful, and elegant. Our current computer technology is very powerful, but sadly, neither simple nor elegant.

Simplicity makes for ease of use, elegance makes for an integral landscape, eliminating the need for costly complicated “brute force” algorithms, which simplifies the modeling of GIS and weather systems, cellular growth, radial vectors, bifurcative networks, neural nets, genetic and quantum logic systems, and nanoscale architectures.

Integral system logic and design have the potential to revolutionize all aspects of the computational landscape.

The Global Matrix: A Cognitive Map of Cyberspace © 2005

The Global Matrix provides that much sought after new paradigm for generating modeling architectures and mapping processes. It is a basic “tool kit- of fundamental logic models and corresponding reference architectures that can be combined to construct models of increasing complexity.
Our present modeling structures are primarily based on sequential. Cartesian. and Newtonian logic systems; it is becoming increasingly obvious that in the very immediate future we need modeling structures that are based on synchronous, global. and quantum logic systems.

The Global Matrix is a set of highly evolved computational models constructed from our most fundamental logic structures: geometric, computational, and physical.

Because the modeling architectures of the Global Matrix are built from fundamental logic forms and laws of self-similarity they are scale free and are ideal for modeling phenomena at all scales of complexity; at the global, generic, cellular, molecular, and quantum levels.

The Global Matrix is intended to be a universally applicable set of standardized or generic logic models for designing the reference structures and process logic necessary to manipulate and model data at any scale, dimension, or level of complexity. This is a complete system of generic logic models for designing database architectures, process architectures, hardware architectures, and coordinate structures all based on a single integral model.

The Global Matrix logic models are the key elements for delineating the convergence of biotech, info-tech, and nano-technological landscapes into a single modeling environment.

This environment reveals the interrelated and intrinsic logic within structure, process and order which provides the metrics, templates and coding structures necessary to construct a generic system of object oriented technologies, taxomic nomenclatures, cryptological algorithms, network and database architectures, and spatial coordinate structures.

The construction or more exactly evolution of the Global Matrix is based on what are called constrained generating procedures or CPGs; once you decide on a geometric logic, a metric, and simple procedures or rules, the system becomes self-generating or self-referential.

The Global Matrix consists of two basic modeling geometries, a cubic matrix and a spherical matrix.

The cubic matrix model is a three-dimensional grid matrix that represents a standardized version of Cartesian space. a three-dimensional rank and file database architecture, a mathematical model of algebraic space. an atomic lattice model of face centered cubic space and an architectural model for designing algorithmic presets.

The spherical or global matrix is the result of the inversion of the cubic matrix. The global matrix represents a standardized version of spherical space. a three-dimensional radial database architecture. a mathematical model of global space. an atomic lattice model of hexagonally organized space and an architectural model for designing algorithmic processes.

The global matrix is composed of concentric spherical planes. each of which is an analog of the individual x, v grid matrices of the cubic model.
There are some significant geometric differences between these two models. The spherical matrix. although a 2-D plane. has assumed a shape in 3-D space. the sphere has no edges and a single internal reference point. and it is tiled with hexagonal cells which have three axial orientations. also the cellular structure of the global matrix is radially organized so that concentric growth can be modeled in two or three dimensions. Time can be modeled as omni directional phenomena in the global matrix.

A single set of data points can be modeled in either matrix geometry. Each modeling geometry has its own axial organization. pixel and bitmap architectures. lattice domains, and database and process architectures.
The heuristic or process architectures of the Global Matrix are based on object oriented logic, and the analytical processes of cryptography. Just as there are common and fundamental elements of structural logic underlying mathematics, engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, art, architecture, and computer graphics, there are also common and fundamental elements of process logic underlying heuristic structures, generic hierarchies, taxomic classification, sorting trees, and natural and machine languages.

Cryptographic analysis is based on patterns of frequency of usage, sequence. and position. Algorithms designed using these principles manipulate data or files according to repetitive patterns of usage, syntax, and format, often without necessarily knowing the content of the files or even what language they are written.

Cryptographic methods and analytic tools offer the possibility of self-mediating rather than regressive test models. self-similar modeling and sorting strategies, and self-assembling software modules.