It's Axiomatic
I was even more amazed to find that Boole's original intent was to diagram Aristotle's Syllogistic Axioms into algebraic equations. Aristotle's Axioms are the basis for our logical constructions. They are four part propositions. (If we can say this about this thing, and that about that thing, then we can say this about that other thing.) The great "thing" about these axiomatic constructions is that there are four x four x four x four of them, which is 256! The same as the Metric, which gives us 256 archetypical logic forms which can be designated by a single ASCII character.
At this point in time, 19 of these axioms have been proven to be true. This four part logic is the basis for the archtypic search algorithms. Many of these algorithms describe search patterns that search for patterns. This is usually a repetitive search, the same basic pattern is repeated again and again. We now have a series of 256 of the most used (archtypic) algorithms, each of which can be designated by a single ASCII character.
Our fundamental algorithms are also organized into a four part process:
Search Sort Collate Find
They are also organized horizontally (data transfer) and vertically (data sort), all of these operations have the same dendritic form. These are the four directions of cyberspace.
Search and Find in the dendritic trees and roots of the Global Matrix.