Getting the Generic Kind

Getting the Generic Kind

The Global Matrix is a universal (generic) Structure/Process Logic, it is intended to be the compliment for both Boolean Algebra, the universal (generic) computer Language, and for Turing/Von Neuman's universal (generic) computer.

Global Matrix Environments

1. Sorting Environment Sorting Pyramids and Sorting Logic
2. Dendritic Environment Generic Forms and Structural Logic
3. Analog Environment Arithmetic and geometric reference structures
4. Statistical Environment Populations I Gaussian Distribution / Bi-Polar Logic
5. Global Environment Synthetic Logic I Layering Logic I Horizontal Structure
6. Reference Environment Indexes / Files I Maps I Matrices
7. Cellular Environment

Any cell can be: a logic gate, microchip, processor, disk-drive, computer, LED, pixel, conductor, file, point in space, reference index, etc.

The -Fri-nominal System allows for Primary (1 Secondary (2c), and Tertiary (3c) descriptive categories which can be cross-referenced or sub-divided into the four Logic Realms of the Archtypic, Specific, Generic, and Synthetic, which are derived from the three Boolean States, that describe the bifurcative environment, that is based on the monogenic logic of present and not present.

The Power of Limits - Gyorgy Doczi Shambala, 1987

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