

On Growth and Form D'Arcy Thompson Dover Publications 1992

Chaos James Gleick Penguin Books 1987

Chaos and Fractals Devaney and Keen American Mathematical Society 1989

Fractals Everywhere Michael Barnsley Academic Press 1988

Cosmology Edward Harrison Cambridge University Press 1981

Mesuring the Universe Kitty Ferguson Walker and Co. 1999

Mapping Time E.G. Richards Oxford University Press 1998

Ptolemy's Almagest Owen Gingerich Princeton University Press 1998

The Geometric Universe Rodger Penrose Oxford University Press 1998

The Elegant Universe Brian Greene W.W. Norton and Co. 1999

The Prehistory of the Mind Steven Mithen Thames and Hudson 1996

How the Mind Works Steven Pinker W.W. Norton and Co. I 999

The Emporor's New Mind Rodger Penrose Penguin Books 1989

Mapping the Mind Rita Carter University of California Press 1998

The Large, the Small and the Human Mind Rodger Penrose Cambridge 1997

The Universe and the Teacup K.C. Cole Harcourt and Brace 1998

What Counts Brian Butterworth | The Free Press 1999

What is Mathematics Really? Reuben Hirsh Oxford University Press 1997

What is Random? Edward Beltrami Springer-Verlag 1999

Probability and Random Variables David Stirzaker Cambridge University Press 1999

The Language of Mathematics Keith Devlin W.H. Freeman & Co. 1998

Mathematical Mysteries Calven Clawson Plenum Trade 1996

Mathematical Sorcery Calvin Clawson Plenum Trade 1999

Euclid, the Creation of Mathematics Benno Artmann Springer-Verlag 1999

My Brain is Open Bruce Schechter Simon & Schuster 1998

Euler, the Master of Us All William Dunham Mathematical Association of America '1999

e: the Story of a Number Eli Maor Princeton University Press 1994

Trigonometric Delights Eli Maor Princeton University Press 1998

The Joy of Pi David Slatner Walker & Co. 1997

The Nothing That Is Robert Kaplan Oxford University Press 1999

Inside the PC Peter Norton Sams Publishing 1995

The Fifth Generation Feigenbaum and McCordick Addison-Wesley 1983

Patterns in the Sand Bossamaier and Green Perseus Books 1998

The Pattern in the Stone Daniel Hillis Perseus Books 1998

Fuzzy Thinking Bart Kosko Hyperion 1993

The Importance of Being Fuzzy Arturo Sangalli Princeton University Press 1998

Emergence John Holland Addison-Wesley 1998

The Fifth Miracle Paul Davies Simon and Schuster 1999

The Pattern of Evolution - Niles Eldredge W.H. Freeman & Co.

Gnomon Midhat Gazale Princeton University Press 1999

The Ancient Science of Geomancy Nigel Pennick CRCS Publications 1979

The Power of Limits Gyorgy Doczi Shambala 1994

Sacred Geometry Robert Lawler Thames and Hudson 1982

The I Ching and the Genetic Code Martin Schonberger Aurora Press 1992

Genetic Algorithms David Goldberg Addison-Wesley 1989

The Self-made Tapestry Phillip Ball Oxford University Press 1999

Cymatics Hans Jenny Basilius Presse 1974

Light Science Rossing and Chiaverina Springer-Verlag 1999

Physics in the 20th Century Curt Suplee Harry N. Abrams 1999

Visual Intelligence Donald Hoffman W.W. Norton and Co. 1998

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information Edward Tufte Graphic Press 1983

Envisioning Information Edward Tufte Graphic Press 1990

Visual Explanations Edward Tufte Graphic Press 1997

Information Graphics Robert Harris Management Graphics 1996

The Nature of Mathematical Modeling Neil Gershenfeld Cambridge Univ. Press 1999

Data Structures and Program Design Robert Kruse Prentice Hall 1987

The Algorithm Design Manual Steven Skiena Springer-Verlag 1998

The Pleasure of Finding Things Out Richard Feynman Perseus Books 1999

Consilience Edward O. Wilson Alfred A. Knopf 1998

Book of Ages Stephen J. Gould Balientine 1999

Stalking the Wild Pendulum Itzhak Bentov Destiny Books 1998

Wired March 1996 to March 1999

Dr. Dobb's Journal April 1999 to January 2000

Science News June 1997 to January 2000
