Seeing the Light

Seeing the Light

I looked around for some examples to substantiate the Inverse Analog Structure. Bingo! It turns out that one of the longest running arguments in Science concerns the theory of light. Most people credit Newton's theory of light to be correct, while there have always been stubborn supporters of a theory of light proposed by Goethe. The difference? Newton's theory describes the colors in terms of the angles of the refractive index, an exter-nal system of reference. Goethe was a musician as well as a scientist. He describes colors in terms of harmonic and dissonant groups, an internal system of reference. Both of these theories are correct and complementary. Scientists use Newton's system, and artists, painters and interior designers use Goethe's system.

We can describe (Quanta) in terms of an external reference system (particles), or we can describe them in terms of an internal reference system (‘itave forms), but we cannot simultaneously describe them in both systems. This is the "ontological limit."

Next stop, further exploration of the duodecimal world, which is a system of "internal reference." These measurements were originally derived from the person of the "King's Body" since it was the center of the ''World„" His digit Was the Fractional Unit, the inch, Hi's Foot, composed of 12 inches was the Whole Unit and the Foot Squared was the area unit of 144 sq. inches (Exponential Unit). His Arm and His Pace was a Yard. His span is a Fathom. We even measured horses with His Hand. Of course, we actually used our own finger, hand; arm, foot or pace in this internalized reference.

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