Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Seeing that the dendritic tree is also the "Family Tree," I realized that this is the basic Generic structure for a "Generic" system of classification. This is the structure that Carl Linneaus used to make order of the organic world. So we use this same shape to diagram our logic process, command structure, index structure, and the individual data structures within the hierarchical layers of the Global Matrix.

The cellular layers of the Global Matrix support a dendritic shape that has both a tree-like structure and a root-10 Generic structures are essentially repetitive structures of both form and logic, and repetitive structures are governed by the Bell Curve, that describes the "frequency of distribution" (Gaussian Distribution).

Cryptographic traffic analysis exploits these generic shapes in encoded information by describing unknown data in terms of frequency, sequence and position. We also make sense of known data in these same terms in the generic worlds of the Global Matrix.

Early French printers were the first to see their data in terms of frequency of usage and generic form. They called sticks of type with commonly used phrases "cliches," by not breaking down these sticks between jobs they invented one of the first techniques of data compression."

When we examine these data trees cross-sectionally we see they also provide a visual graphic of the usage rates of information flow in the various parts of the "trunk."

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